How to avoid 5 Common Mistakes When Beginning Yoga
There is no doubt that practicing yoga is a great idea—not only for your physical body but also for your mental health and overall...
Breath work to Balance your energy
Alternative nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhona) is one of our favourite breathing exercises to quiet the mind and reduce stress.
5 steps moving from Mind-full mess to Mindfulness.
Is your mental state closer to a crowded motorway than a sweet country lane? Thankfully, you have a sharp sword of clarity that is always...
Every Body is a Yoga Body
A truly successful yoga class is one where you moved into every asana with loving awareness, enjoying your breath and your body; one where y
7 Mindful Steps To Success
Often in the midst of crisis, competitive pressures, and family obligations, we can feel overwhelmed and forget to focus our attention on...
8 Yoga postures to ease Back pain
If you suffer from chronic back pain, then yoga could help you find relief. A systematic review published in the Journal of Orthopedics &...